Sharing a shower with your beau
This would leave me facing such a conundrum. If I get my hair wet, I need to wash it, so it doesn’t smell of wet dog. So, the options are: To try and keep my hair dry and spend the whole time worrying about water spraying all over it and ending up frizzy, tangled & potentially whiffy, or to wash my hair during ‘the experience.’ Have you ever tried a passionate kiss with shampoo in your eyes? There is nothing hot about this whatsoever! Whoever decided that getting jiggy with it in a small, slippery confined space was erotic? I’m talking about the shower, perverts – behave!
Hollywood movies paint a false picture. Carefully edited footage shows us honed bodies moving in sync, the actress emerging with slightly damp, tousled hair and perfect mascara entact. This is all a horrible lie! Most likely the lady in question will end up looking like a parody of The Joker, with mascara streaked down her face, lipstick smeared in a Glasgow smile and hair to rival Worzel Gummage, from the popular 1980s show.

The reality is that one of you is guaranteed to be cold as most showers are not equipped to shower two people at once. Not to mention trying to wash one another. Whilst you might think this looks erotic on film, try being a female faced with a soapy sponge coming towards your fufu. Cries of “keep that away from my delicates! Soap on a girls fufu can create an imbalance of good bacteria, which leads to thrush” are guaranteed to completely kill the moment – unless he’s a microbiome physiologist and loves this kind of shower side chit chat.
The whole scenario screams health and safety hazard! You can keep it, thanks!
Sharing a morning bath in a small tub
If you have a large jacuzzi tub, I can accept that lounging together with a nice glass of champagne might be a nice way to unwind. Even a nice kiss could work, but if it goes beyond that get out of the bloody tub! Baths are slippery bastards. Who wants to roll around, banging elbows and knees and soaking the bathroom carpet for a few minutes of uncomfortable action? This would be exacerbated further if this took place in the morning. Morning bathing is for getting shit done – shaving legs, exfoliating, washing thyself pure. Would you be forced to give up your morning duties and spend the day stubbly to avoid sitting in a tub of grit, hair, and each other’s skin cells? Neither seems a good viable option to me.
I used to love bathing to help ease my stiff muscles after a long day. I would just be getting comfortable, luxuriating in the sensation of the hot water against my aching muscles and unwinding, when an ex would barge in, insist on joining me, and then disaster would ensue. He’d take up most of the tub, leaving me with little room. Anywhere we positioned our legs would be uncomfortable and would lead to squashing. We’d disagree about the temperature as it’s hard to get it right for two people. One of you would end up too hot or too cold, cramped, the muscles would now feel even stiffer after playing a ridiculous game of bath yoga and then, the unthinkable would happen! He would smother himself in vast amounts of shower gel and start shaving his beard off. Now I’m in toxic water which has a caustic ph balance, his little hairs stabbing into my flesh, like iron filings. After a few times, I did the sensible thing any rational human being would do and began locking the bathroom door. The moral of this story: If you want to share a bath, head to the jacuzzi in your local gym but stay clear of mine!
Food sex
I’m happy to splosh someone but do not care to be drizzled with cream, chocolate, or any other sticky substance. The feeling of it against my skin feels like cement drying. Not to mention cream starts to smell rancid after a little while. I just can’t wait to get it off, so therefore engaging in this behaviour is a no-no for me. Just think of the sheets too – that’s more washing! Ah but use a plastic sheet I hear you say. I prefer luxury and like nice, warm cosy sheets. A cold plastic sheet on my back while someone pours yet more cold, horrible substances over me just sounds like a way to ignite my wrath. “Oooh will I get punished,” you ask? Yes – by my lack of presence as I scarper pronto!

Another thing I find gruesome – kissing with food! However much you’ve brushed your teeth there will still be little bits of bacteria between your teeth. While some people may not care, my vivid imagination summons up images of evil, monstrous organisms drifting into my mouth and emitting noxious, green substances that will ultimately infect my system with their grossness. Passing a strawberry to one another with the lips is cute. Trying to force masticated food from mouth to mouth with your tongue is utterly vile. Each to their own, I know some who love this, but it’s not for me!
There’s an eclectic fusion menu of sensual delights that you can share with your S.O. or playmate, but these are often bypassed. Whereas these cliched sex games seem to be so popular in the mainstream. What is this obsession with engaging in an uncomfortable, sticky rendezvous? If anyone has any thoughts on this, I’d love to hear your feedback and why you love or hate these things!
Well you’re not going to like this reply much then Mistress Kaz but I’m turned on by the whole idea of beautiful women consuming food and fluids. As a ‘technosexual’ I like to think of the ‘human machine’ and love the idea of a beautiful woman’s body converting that fuel into energy. Also the idea of the following waste product being recycled i.e particularly fluids as urine is a huge turn on! I hate to say it but I enjoy watching you eat and drink.
I love sharing a shower but you’re right it doesn’t work if you’re looking to get clean. If you’re in the shower with someone else unless it’s ten other blokes in your sport’s team you ain’t looking to get clean. As for bath’s being tall when I’ve tried to share one with someone else I’ve ended up with a bad back or my big toe up the tap. Oops.
P.s; great website blog.
What a fun ride through the various options!
Over the years have tried/been subjected to most of those things listed, not with massive enthusiasm I may add.
Boozy Jacuzzi probably the most fun, but as you say very unlikely to be remotely hygienic!
Playing around in the sea or a lake is pretty awesome, but as above the water needs to be unpolluted.
Fantasy play, dressing up & talking “dirty” is super erotic. So I say put the Nutella & whipped cream away….. get creative, endless opportunities without the need to unstick from the bed & wash everything afterwards, bruise joints, get chills & slip
in the shower!
Then again, whatever floats your boat is cool. Essential to ask your partner beforehand methinks!
Thanks for another great read! I aways find your posts so insightful and they leave me with a new perspective AND a smile on my face.
I’m one of those people who indulges in MOST of the things you’ve mentioned above! Lol! I LOVE taking showers together and soaping and scrubbing each other. He’s been well trained so he knows to keep the soap away from my lady bits, and just how much pressure to use while shampooing my hair.
For his birthday one year, I gave him a big bottle of nuttela and a plastic sheet and told him to do whatever he wanted. After 6 hours there were very few places that hadn’t been frosted and then licked clean and I was mindful of yeast. Spitting my drink, or sharing my food through a kiss are also gross intimacies that I enjoy, the kissing part only with my partners.
I find it fascinating how we all can have such complete opposite reactions to certain things, and still connect on others. This is what makes our world so beautiful. ?
I love sharing a shower, and it’s the only way we do it. Cleaning each other is a small act of service, not to mention it’s better for the environment to share!