Give Brits Their Jobs Back & stop whining! Supermarket self service checkouts a 1.7billion pound FAIL

I have just finished reading Metro Article ‘Self Service Check Outs Turn Us Into Thieves ‘30/01/2014 which claims we are a nation of petty criminals when it comes to scanning our own shopping, with supermarkets losing an estimated 1.7 billion… Continue Reading


#RT Why Dolphins & Whales are briiiiliant & should not be kept in captivity or killed

A round up of my favourite news articles and videos about dolphins and whales and why we should be in awe of them and fight for their fair treatment…… Continue Reading


Tories on the breadline: Which Toff would you like to see living like a pauper for a month?

I’ve been getting rather riled up lately at just how out touch the government and upper classes are with society. The rise of tv shows, news articles and propaganda that demonise many vulnerable groups of people sicken me. This type… Continue Reading